The average house price on BOSKERRIS CRESCENT is £515,118
The most expensive house in the street is EST KINTYRE BOSKERRIS CRESCENT with an estimated value of £525,320
The cheapest house in the street is 5 LOGANS COURT BOSKERRIS CRESCENT with an estimated value of £504,916
The house which was most recently sold was KRES KINTYRE BOSKERRIS CRESCENT, this sold on 12 May 2023 for £750,000
The postcodes for BOSKERRIS CRESCENT are TR26 2NL, TR26 2QH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
EST KINTYRE BOSKERRIS CRESCENT Terraced £525,320 £425,000 16 Sep 2019
KRES KINTYRE BOSKERRIS CRESCENT Terraced £750,000 12 May 2023
5 LOGANS COURT BOSKERRIS CRESCENT Flats/Maisonettes £504,916 £290,000 22 Dec 2009